Last week I tested a new feature in ActiveMQ 5.3.0 to support automatic failover/reconnect in a network of brokers. Besides adding this information to the ActiveMQ book, one person also suggested that I also post it on my blog for easier access, so here you go!
Folks familiar with ActiveMQ already know that a network of brokers allows many broker instances to be networked for massive scalability. Prior to the addition of this feature in ActiveMQ 5.3, if one of the brokers in the network went down, reestablishing a connection with that broker when it comes back up is a manual process wrought with difficulty. By adding support for failover to the network of brokers, any broker in the network can come and go at will without any manual intervention. A very powerful feature, indeed. Although this post is long, the outcome of the testing is well worth it.

The first thing to note is the topology for the network of brokers. I used a network of three brokers named amq1, amq2 and amq3. The attached diagram explains the topology, including the consumers and producers. amq1 and amq2 are stand alone with no network connector. amq3 defines a network connector with failover to amq1 and amq2. Consumers exist on amq1 and amq2. Producer will connect to amq3. To start with, I have only configured a uni-directional network connector in amq3. Later I will change the configuration for a bi-directional network connector.
Thanks to the ability to upload any file to Google Docs this week, you can download the configuration files for the three brokers.
The next thing to do is outline the steps I used to test out this feature. These steps were performed on Mac OS X (Unix) but could easily be adapted for Windoze. Below are those steps:
1) Open six terminal windows as defined below:
1a) Terminal 1 = cd into the amq1 dir
1b) Terminal 2 = cd into the amq2 dir
1c) Terminal 3 = cd into the amq3 dir
1d) Terminal 4 = cd into the amq1/example dir
1e) Terminal 5 = cd into the amq1/example dir
1f) Terminal 6 = cd into the amq1/example dir
2) Terminal 1: start up amq1 (./bin/activemq)
3) Terminal 2: start up amq2 (./bin/activemq)
4) Terminal 3: start up amq3 (./bin/activemq)
Thanks to the configuration of the ActiveMQ logging interceptor, you should see that amq3 makes a network connection to either amq1 or amq2. For the rest of these steps, let's assume that amq3 connected to amq1.
5) Terminal 4: start up a consumer on amq1 (ant consumer -Durl=tcp://
6) Terminal 5: start up a consumer on amq2 (ant consumer -Durl=tcp://
7) Terminal 6: start up a producer on amq3 (ant producer -Durl=tcp://
You should see 2000 messages sent to amq3. The messages should be forwarded to either amq1. The consumer connected to amq1 should have received the 2000 messages and shut down.
8) Terminal 1: shut down amq1 (ctrl-c)
Note the logging that shows the failover taking place successfully. Let's test it to see if the demand forwarding bridge actually got started.
9) Terminal 6: start up a producer on amq3 (ant producer -Durl=tcp://
You should see 2000 messages sent to amq3. The consumer connected to amq2 receives the 2000 messages and shuts down.
10) Terminal 1: start up amq1 (./bin/activemq)
11) Terminal 2: shut down amq2 (ctrl-c)
Again, the failover took place successfully. Let's continue just a bit further to see if it will continue to failover if I bring up amq1 again.
12) Terminal 4: start up a consumer on amq1 (ant consumer -Durl=tcp://
13) Terminal 6: start up a producer on amq3 (ant producer -Durl=tcp://
You should see 2000 messages sent to amq3. The consumer connected to amq1 receives the 2000 messages and shuts down.
This proves that the failover transport is supported in a network connector and it does work correctly with a uni-directional network connector. In addition to a uni-directional network connector, I also tested a bi-directional network connector. This only requires a slight change to the configuration of the network connector in amq3. In the amq3 XML configuration file, in the network connector element, add a duplex=true attribute. Below is the network connector element for amq3 with the change:
<networkConnector name="amq3-nc" uri="static:(failover:(tcp://,tcp://" dynamicOnly="true" networkTTL="3" duplex="true" />
With this minor change in configuration, the network connector is now bi-directional. I.e., communication between amq3 and whichever broker it connects to is two-way instead of just one-way. This means that messages can be sent in either direction, not just in one direction originating from amq3.
Below are the steps I used to test this specific change:
1) Open five terminal windows as defined below:
1a) Terminal 1 = cd into the amq1 dir
1b) Terminal 2 = cd into the amq2 dir
1c) Terminal 3 = cd into the amq3 dir
1d) Terminal 4 = cd into the amq1/example dir
1e) Terminal 5 = cd into the amq1/example dir
2) Terminal 1: start up amq1 (./bin/activemq)
3) Terminal 2: start up amq2 (./bin/activemq)
4) Terminal 3: start up amq3 (./bin/activemq)
You should see that amq3 makes a network connection to either amq1 or amq2. For the rest of these steps, let's assume that amq3 connected to amq1.
5) Terminal 4: start up a consumer on amq1 (ant consumer -Durl=tcp://
6) Terminal 5: start up a producer on amq3 (ant producer -Durl=tcp://
You should see 2000 messages sent to amq3. The messages should be forwarded to amq1. The consumer connected to amq1 should receive the 2000 messages and shut down.
Let's test the duplex capability of the network connector in amq3 now. To do this we'll send messages to amq1 and consume those messages from amq3.
7) Terminal 4: start up a consumer on amq3 (ant consumer -Durl=tcp://
8) Terminal 5: start up a producer on amq1 (ant producer -Durl=tcp://
You should see 2000 messages sent to amq1. The messages should be forwarded to amq3. The consumer connected to amq3 should receive the 2000 messages and shut down. This proves that the duplex feature is working. Now let's cause a failover/reconnect to take place and run through this same set of steps with amq3 and amq2.
9) Terminal 1: shut down amq1 (ctrl-c)
Notice the logging that shows the failover taking place successfully so that amq3 connects to amq2 now.
10) Terminal 4: start up a consumer on amq2 (ant consumer -Durl=tcp://
11) Terminal 5: start up a producer on amq3 (ant producer -Durl=tcp://
You should see 2000 messages sent to amq3. The messages should be forwarded to amq2. The consumer connected to amq2 should receive the 2000 messages and shut down.
Now let's test the duplex feature in the network connector.
12) Terminal 4: start up a producer on amq2 (ant consumer -Durl=tcp://
13) Terminal 5: start up a consumer on amq3 (ant producer -Durl=tcp://
You should see 2000 messages sent to amq2. The messages should be forwarded to amq3. The consumer connected to amq3 should receive the 2000 messages and shut down.
This proves that the duplex feature of the network connector works after a failover/reconnect to amq2.
This is a great addition to ActiveMQ that really improves the usability of a network of brokers. I already have some very large clients using this feature successfully, some of which are using a network of over 2000 brokers.
Hopefully these steps are clear enough to follow for your own use. If you need any clarifications, please contact me.
Update: Here is the tarball of ActiveMQ configurations used for this blog post.