As I mentioned here in late October, ActiveMQ In Action entered Manning's pre-production process, the final process of review and editing before actually printing the book. While working through this process, I was asked to write an article for TomcatExpert.com website so I decided to pull a bit of content from one of the chapters that discusses integrating ActiveMQ and Tomcat.
The first article in the three-part series was published titled, ActiveMQ and Tomcat: Perfect Partners. The first article briefly introduces ActiveMQ and the second and third articles provides the details on integrating ActiveMQ with Tomcat using both local JNDI and global JNDI. These two approaches are unique enough and the integration process tricky enough that this info was determined to be good content for an article.
The second article in the series is named Integrating ActiveMQ With Tomcat Using Local JNDI . It covers the integration of ActiveMQ using a local JNDI context. I've had many people come to me who have encountered issues with this style of integration, so I know it can be confusing.
The third article in this series is Integrating ActiveMQ With Tomcat Using Global JNDI and it focuses on configuring JMS resources using global a JNDI context. The global JNDI configuration can be rather difficult because it is a container-wide deployment instead of contained inside of a single web application.
The example application used in the articles comes straight from chapter 8 of ActiveMQ In Action and uses a simple message flow. An HTML form is used to post a message to a queue in ActiveMQ that is consumed by the Spring message listener container. Whereas this example model is simple to demonstrate the power lies in using this model in a more distributed manner and/or with a stand alone ActiveMQ instance. This topic is popular enough that I've been asked numerous times about so I guess it's a good thing it was included in the book.
Just in time for the holidays, you can get 40% off your purchase of ActiveMQ In Action! Just use the coupon code *activemq40* at the time of checkout. Enjoy!