Later this month I'll be in Amsterdam again, this time to speak at SpringOne EU about Apache ActiveMQ. It will be great to be back in Amsterdam, especially because the annual Queen's Day celebration takes place the week of the conference, which is always a fun time.
My first SpringOne conference was back in December in Florida and it was very good. Unfortunately I had a lot of travel booked back-to-back at the time so I wasn't able to be there for the entire conference. This time I will be able to spend the entire week at the conference which will be great because there are many sessions I'd like to see. Here are just a few:
- Extreme Productivity in Application Development - A talk by Ben Alex about Spring ROO
- Advanced Concurrency: Design and Construction - A talk by Rob Harrop about, well, concurrency
- Implementing REST Web Application Architectures with Spring MVC - A talk by Arjen Poutsma about the Spring 3.0 support for REST
- Practical Usages of SpringSource dm Server - Another talk by Rob Harrop but this one is about building OSGi applications
- Introduction to Spring Integration - A talk by Mark Fisher about Spring Integration (believe it or not, I don't know much about it - but I intend to learn ;-))
There are many other talks I'd like to see, just too many to list. Take a look at the SpringOne EU schedule for the full list.